Join The Havana Salsa Team

Become A Salsa Teacher

Want To Be a Salsa Teacher?

Take your passion to another level, do what you love with the support and guidance of our specialist Havana Salsa team. With the Havana Salsa formula and training you can become a successful Salsa teacher, one night a week or 5 nights a week, you decide.

Next Teacher Assessment

Leeds: 5th October
Nottingham: 6th October

Step 1: Assessment

Join one of our Teacher assessment days and get yourself approved to start your training.

Step 2: Learn The Basics

The fun starts here. This will be a refresher of all you have learned so far plus some extra tuition.

Step 3: Get Ready To Teach

Using the Havana Salsa formula, you will learn how to hold your own class, and how to teach it.

Step 4: Qualify

You made it! Your an approved Havana Salsa teacher with your own students & weekly classes!

Getting Started

We give you all the moves, music, manuals and training, in order for you to just turn up to your class and concentrate purely on enjoying your class and passing your passion on to others. In time, you will learn to create successful, vibrant, energy filled classes of salsa dancers.

Teacher assessment days run continually throughout the year; we are always on the lookout for teachers with potential to join our growing team, so if you’re interested, apply now and we’ll be back in touch with the next steps and assessment day schedule. For more information, get in touch. You can not attend a training day without having filled in this form.

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What To Expect

Teacher Assessment: (we require candidates to have danced Cuban Salsa for 2 years as a minimum. No previous teaching experience is essential but will be advantageous).

We will be assessing the following:

  • Musicality:
    Understanding timing and instruments
  • Footwork:
    Knowledge of basic step patterns, technique and styling
  • Partnership:
    Lead and or following, partner empathy
  • Dance Vocabulary:
    The terminology of Salsa teaching
  • Knowledge:
    History of Salsa and other latin dances
  • Teaching:
    How to organise a class, awareness in class, presence, safety, communication
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Teacher Training

Your training will be led by a Havana Salsa Senior Specialist – one of Havana Salsa’s best Salsa teachers. Every “Senior Specialist” has been handpicked by Rodolfo – the (creator and founder of the Havana Salsa programme) for their extensive dance experience.

Our Senior Specialists go through a comprehensive training process, and have the tools to prepare you to kill your classes with confidence.

Learn how to teach the basic steps to both lead and follow, and learn how to teach the basic steps in other Latin rhythms for warmup purposes, such as merengue, reggaeton and bachata.

Using the Havana Salsa formula, you will learn how to hold and teach your very own class, what to teach week on week, and how to teach it.

You will get access to professional resources, experience, and techniques to help you teach confidently, build rapports with your students, and deliver (in some cases) life changing skills.

You will also receive practical one on one training with a Senior Specialist for your first classes with real students.

“Teacher Training Day” courses carry a minor fee of £40 +VAT payable on the day of training.

You need to have filled in the application form below to attend a training day. If you havn’t filled this in and just turn up, you will not be allowed to take part.

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Teacher Application

Applications are now open for our teacher assessments for 2024.

If you would like to join the Havana Salsa team, please complete all fields in the form and provide as much detail as possible in the dance experience and comments fields.

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All data is held on on the Havana Salsa website database and will be retained by Havana Salsa solely for the purposes of contacting applicants. Personal data is not used for any other purpose and you may request that we delete this data at any time.